Thursday, June 29, 2017

Infuriated by MEK’s removal from US terrorist list, Iranian regime House Speaker Ali Larijni said in his Friday June-23 speech “now it’s you (the United States) who are sponsor of terrorism and even mother of terrorism, yet you accuse the Iranian regime of sponsoring terrorism. Your accusations are shameful …. Today the Americans removed MEK from their list of terrorist groups.”


أعلن جيرارد ديبري، رئيس مجموعة أصدقاء إيران الحرة في البرلمان الأوروبي، دعم 265 عضوا في البرلمان الأوروبي لبيان مشترك حول حقوق الإنسان في إيران.

265 من أعضاء البرلمان الأوروبي يدينون انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في إيران

London, 27 Jun - In a statement, dated Monday June 26, 265 members across all political parties in the European Parliament have come together to condemn the egregious human rights violations in Iran

European Parliament Condemns Human Rights Violation in Iran

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

London, 27 Jun - When the Iranian Regime launched its failed missile attacks on ISIS militants in Deir ez-Zour, Syria, supposedly in retaliation for the recent terror attacks in Tehran, but failed to notify the US-backed troops who were fighting ISIS on the ground, it sent a message.

Should IRGC Go on the Terror List?

London, 27 Jun - What happened 29 years ago in Iran, and why after all these years, we are witnessing a crisis and a rising conflict among rival factions in the ruling class over that in Iran?

Iran's Desperate Deed Against, Increasing Popularity of MEK

INU - Over 100,000 dignitaries, politicians and activists will gather in Paris this Saturday to support the Iranian people and their call for regime change in Iran at the Free Iran rally.


On July 1, the Iranian opposition will be holding its annual rally to give voice to the Iranian people and their popular resistance movement and to reiterate the call for regime change in Iran

Growing understanding of the viability of regime change in Iran

Shahin Gobadi

By Mahmoud Hakamian For the Iranian regime, staying power means oppressing all voices that challenge their rule, particularly the human rights abuses and strict laws on everything from who you can socialize with to how you dress in public. Yet, one group has been the main focus of the regime’s efforts to suppress and undermine their voice in support of a free Iran. That group is the MEK

MEK: The Opposition the Iranian Regime Wants to Silence

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trump is right to focus on Iran's support of terrorism

Trump is right to focus on Iran's support of terrorism

The Trump administration has made great strides in shifting from the conciliatory gestures of the Obama years to a much firmer stance that acknowledges American intolerance for violent extremism, human rights violations and the support of terrorism. Leading administration figures have repeatedly taken to the airwaves to broadcast this message and carried it with them on official trips abroad. Today the messaging is resonating with officials from both parties and in elite policy circles.

licy circles.

Senate targets Iran in sweeping measures

Senate targets Iran in sweeping measures

Despite its nature of acting mostly in a polarized manner, the US Senate witnessed Republicans and Democrats joining force to pass a bill of sweeping sanctions inflicting strong punishments against Iran involving a long slate of financial penalties.

Friday, June 23, 2017

INU - On June 19th, a statement was issued by Iran’s Assembly of Experts in response “to doubts regarding people’s role in an Islamic state.”


There is a Persian proverb saying those fearing the dark scream to overcome their fears. Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas, resembles that very individual who is afraid of the dark and is screaming to overcome its fears. Read more: Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Iran Triangle of Panic

sually, the hope is that after an election a country can move forward, the new leader’s agenda bolstered by a popular mandate. That is not the case with Iran. Hassan Rouhani’s second term as president was far from a win for Iran’s economy, Iran’s international standing, and certainly not for Iran’s people.

Rouhani’s Reelection Solves Nothing

London, 22 Jun - There are further reports of a widening rift between the opposing factions in the Iranian Regime, which could spell the mullahs’ downfall

Widening Rifts in Iran Regime

London, 22 Jun - The Iranian Resistance group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a press conference in Washington on Tuesday, to expose the real threat of the Iranian Regime’s ballistic weapons programm

Iran Regime's Ballistic Missile Programme: Exposed 

by MEK Intelligence Network

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Why does regime, which claims to be engaged with ISIS on the ground in Syria, has fired missiles from the distance inside Iran? What is the purpose of the regime of this missile attack?


London, 22 Jun - Forty-Six US Congressmen and women have sponsored a resolution which calls on the US Government and its allies across the world to publically condemn the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners and calls on the UN to launch an investigation into this crime against humanity.

U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988

Last week, the Senate passed a bill that outlines a new round of sanctions against the Iranian regime for its ballistic missile development, arms transfers, support for terrorism, and human rights violations. With approval from the House of Representatives and President Trump's signature, the measure, titled the Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017, will become law. Read more: Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

What makes the new Iran sanctions significant?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

London, 17 Jun - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made a campaign pledge to focus his second term on lifting non-nuclear sanctions. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei approved the nuclear talks in 2012, before Rouhani’s term, so Rouhani’s success will need Khamenei’s blessing, and having non-nuclear sanctions lifted, will depend on whether Khamenei is willing to endure major setbacks, like he did with the nuclear deal.

Increasing Troubles With US and International Community Plague Iran

On July 1st thousands of Iranians will gather in Paris to support the movement to obtain freedom and democracy for their homeland. The convention is organized each year by the Iranian opposition movement (PMOI/MEK). Iranian youth especially look forward to this event as it’s a time to come together and support human rights. - See more at:

 Youth Supporters of MEK: Responsibility to Attend Iranian Opposition Convention

INU - There are many around the world who are pondering what the correct diplomatic response to the Iranian Regime should be and even those at those in charge of foreign policy aren’t entirely sure, given Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson’s recent comment that the US’s Iran policy is “under development.”



It is sometimes now that many US officials have been talking about Iran and the actions that US must take towards Iran. In a hearing in the congress, the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, in response to a question about the US policy towards Iran said: “Well our Iranian policy is under development.

What Is the Right Policy Towards Iran and the MEK?

free Iran

Iran Opposition Unveils IRGC Missile Sites

Iran Opposition Unveils IRGC Missile Sites

Iran has been pursuing an extensive ballistic missile program through dozens of very important sites, including twelve unknown to this day and one specifically linked to its highly sensitive and controversial nuclear program, the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed at a press conference Tuesday in Washington.

 Alireza Jafarzadeh

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

التضامن من اجل الدمقراطیه و السلام فی ایران

مهرجان ايراني استفتاء الايرانيين

الحياة نيوز- المحامي عبد المجيد محمد  سيقام في الأول من يوليو2017 التجمع السنوي العام للمقاومة الايرانية في فيلبنت بباريس وفي هذا المؤتمر وحسب السياق المعمول به في كل سنة يتم تسليط الضوء على أحداث شهدتها المقاومة خلال عام والطريق الذي ستسلكه في العام المقبل. المتكلم الرئيسي في التجمع هي السيدة مريم رجوي رئيسة الجمهورية المنتخبة من قبل المقاومة الايرانية ثم يتكلم مسؤولون وشخصيات سياسية وحقوقية وثقافية وبرلمانية و...

Former Italian Foreign Minister

Former Italian Foreign Minister: It's time for Europe to align itself with the US in standing up to #Iran

Since the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany concluded their nuclear negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, several Iranian ballistic missile tests have been carried out

Youth Supporters of MEK

Youth Supporters of MEK: Responsibility to Attend Iranian Opposition Convention

On July 1st thousands of Iranians will gather in Paris to support the movement to obtain freedom and democracy for their homeland.

In Discussing Middle East Policy, US Should Acknowledge the Goal of Regime Change

The election of Donald Trump last year set the stage for major changes in U.S. foreign policy and particularly American policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was clear on the campaign trail that Trump’s views on Iran could hardly be more different than those of his predecessor, Barack Obama

Monday, June 19, 2017


ANALYSIS: Iran’s future after new US sanctions

The regime in Tehran continues to be in a state of shock after the passage of unprecedented United States Senate sanctions on Thursday targeting Iran’s ballistic missile program, support for terrorism in the Middle East and flagrant human rights violations.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas

this is a good article about iran. don't miss .

There is a Persian proverb saying those fearing the dark scream to overcome their fears.  Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas, resembles that very individual who is afraid of the dark and is screaming to overcome its fears.


What Is the Right Policy Towards Iran and the MEK?

What Is the Right Policy Towards Iran and the MEK?

It is sometimes now that many US officials have been talking about Iran and the actions that US must take towards Iran. In a hearing in the congress, the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, in response to a question about the US policy towards Iran said: “Well our Iranian policy is under development. It’s not yet been delivered to the president, bu...

Saturday, June 17, 2017

تجمع الجالية الإيرانية في هذا العام هجوم كبير على نظام ولاية الفقيه

منذ سنوات عدة تقيم الجالية الإيرانية تجمعها السنوي الكبير في شهر حزيران او تموز في كل عام 

لجدير بالذكر ان عددا كثيرا من الشخصيات الفرنسية  اعلنوا دعمهم للمقاومة الإيرانية  ضد سياسة المساومة مع الملالي خلال هذه السنوات ابرزها السيدة الأولى الفرنسية الراحلة دانيل ميتران  في عهد الرئيس الفرنسي الراحل فرانسوا ميتران والسيد فرانسوا أولاند الرئيس الفرنسي السابق الذي كان يشغل منصب الامين العام للحزب الإشتراكي الفرنسي انذاك.  

Protests in Iran is escdating

Protests in Iran is escalating

Iran: Regime Terrified of Widespread Social Welcoming of Iranian Resistance Justice Movement

The Iran Opportunity Before the Arab World

This is a good article  . Don't miss it.

 During the election campaign, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani pledged to focus his second term on lifting non-nuclear sanctions. Whether he will be successful is something yet to be seen, considering it was the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei who green-lighted the nuclear talks back in 2012, before Rouhani’s term, and his blessing was needed in the entire process.